Tine Larsen

Department of Design and Communication
(2014 – present)



With a background in Linguistics, I have trained as a Conversation Analyst. I originally worked on ordinary everyday interaction within the area of interactional linguistics but eventually moved into applied CA, working on institutional interaction in a number of different, technologically complex and/or specialized environments, e.g. calls to the Danish emergency assistance service, 1-1-2, and calls to the Danish Police, 1-1-4.

For my PhD I worked on disease-specific patient education programs for self-management of chronic disease wherein patients – rather than e.g. having to come into the hospital for therapy every other day – are taught how to themselves monitor and treat their own disease at home. Focusing specifically on sequences wherein patients are instructed in how to operate necessary medical technology and physically handle different kinds of medical equipment, I attempted to describe the different instructional practices that were employed and to explicate the opportunities for participation and learning they provided.

This work lead me to also consider the physical properties and design of the medical equipment and technologies and how they influence, afford and restrict both the nurses’ instruction and the patients’ learning of the target medical procedure. For the current project I will continue to consider how the design and materiality of the objects and technologies that the patients must learn to use are both negotiated and exploited to promote learning. Currently, I am working on showing how the learning of a manual skill can be traced through the interactional practices and linguistic choices of the participants. Furthermore, I am investigating how the physical affordances of the medical objects and technology are not only negotiated in and through interaction but also differentiated and restricted to accommodate certain disease-specific medical requirements and relevancies.

In addition to my work on objects, I am involved in a number of projects of more general interactional relevance. With Jakob Steensig (Department of Aesthetics and Communication, Aarhus University) I am currently working on a project on Danish Ingressive Response Tokens, i.e. on the use of response tokens that are produced on inbreath. With Birte Asmuß and Sae Oshima (both Department of Business Communication, Aarhus University), I am working on a project on self-deprecating assessments in everyday and institutional interactions.



  • Studies of Video Practices: Video at Work [Book review] – Larsen, T. (2016, in press). Mathias Broth, Eric Laurier and Lorenza Mondada (eds), . Qualitative Research.
  • Nurse’s instruction of patients in the use of INR-monitors for self-management of cardio-vascular conditions: Missed instructional opportunities – Larsen, T. (2016, in press). Submitted to Patient Education & Counseling.
  • Training to use medical technology: Instructing patients – Investigating patient instruction – Larsen, T. (2016). Forskningsseminar på Institut for Odontologi, Sektion of Orofacial Smerte og Kæbefunktion. (Inviteret taler).
  • ‘and then (0.6) we open this one here up, right?’: Tracking interactional development of understanding and competence in patient education for chronic disease self-management – Larsen, T. & Steensig, J. (2016). Groningen Symposium on Language and Social Interaction: Interaction and Healthcare (GSLI 2016). Groningen: Holland.


  • Interaktion, instruktion og patientuddannelse for kronisk sygdom – Larsen, T. (2015). Humanistisk Sundhedsforskning [Temanummer], Akademisk Kvarter, 12: 65-82).
  • Leksikalsk genanvendelse: En ressource til synliggørelse af historiers afslutning – Larsen, T. (2015). [genudgivelse]. Skrifter om Samtalegrammatik, 2(11).
  • Optræning af patienter: Et interaktionelt syn på instruktion og kvalitet”. Nationalt årsmøde for Fagligt Selskab for Nefrologiske Sygeplejersker (FS Nefro): “Patientens kvalitet: Hvad er det? Hvordan opnås den? Og hvad er næste skridt? – Larsen, T. (2015). København: Danmark. (Inviteret taler).
  • Self-management of chronic disease – Larsen, T. (2015). Workshop om Brugerdreven Innovation i Sundhedsforskning. SDU Design & Steno Diabetes Center, Kolding: Danmark (Inviteret taler).
  • That’s the only way you’ll learn! Patient education for self-management of chronic disease – Larsen, T. (2015). Conversation Analysis and Clinical Encounters (CACE 2015). Loughborough, England.
  • Immaterial features of the material surround – Landgrebe, J. & Larsen, T. (2015). Foredrag i Panel ved D. Day: “Objects, Bodies and Professional Practice”. 5th International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice: Language, Discourse and Action in Professional Practice (ALAPP 2015). Milano: Italien.
  • Training to operate complex medical technology: Procedural pre-performance commentaries in patient education programs for self-management of chronic disease – Larsen, T. & Steensig, J. (2015). International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis: Living the Material World (IIEMCA 2015). Kolding: Danmark.
  • Breaching embodied routines: Redesign as a means to make visible skills for the manual use of objects – Caglio, A., Larsen, T. & Wagner, J. (2015). Foredrag i panel ved K. Mortensen & M. Nevile: “Social objects for innovation and learning”. International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis: Living the Material World (IIEMCA 2015). Kolding: Danmark.


  • That’s the only way you’ll learn! Social and interactional aspects of instruction and learning in patient education programmes for self-management of chronic disease – Larsen, T. (2014). PhD Dissertation. Department of Design and Communication, University of Southern Denmark.
  • Ingressive response tokens in second position – Larsen, T. & Steensig, J. (2014a). Foredrag i panel: “Doing alignment in second position”. Interactional Conference on Conversation Analysis. Los Angeles: USA.
  • Self-deprecations through assessments – Asmuß, B., Larsen, T. & Oshima, S. (2014b). Foredrag i panel ved B. Asmuß & J. Steensig: “The assessment machine: How and when assessments are made relevant in interaction”. Interactional Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA 2014). Los Angeles: USA.

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