News and Updates

News and updates


Tine Larsen gave a paper at the 5th International Conference on Conversation Analysis and Clinical Encounters (CACE-2015), in Loughborough, 3-5 July 2015. The paper was titled “That’s the only way you’ll learn! Patient education for self-management of chronic disease”

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Revisiting Participation – Basel, June 2015

Kristian Mortensen and Spencer Hazel are organizing a panel, More Than Meets the Eye – Perception and Participation, for the conference Revisiting Participation: Language and Bodies in Interaction, in Basel, June 24-27, 2015. The panel includes paper presentations by Kristian Mortensen & Rineke Brouwer, Johannes Wagner & Dennis Day, Mie Femø Nielsen & Spencer Hazel, Jürgen Streeck,

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ALAPP, Milan, November 2015

The Social Objects project will organize an extended panel at the 5th International conference for Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP), 5-7 November 2015. The conference is hosted by Università degli Studi di Milano in Italy. More details to follow.

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Case Studies

Fieldwork at the Danish Royal Theatre

Spencer Hazel is currently conducting fieldwork at Det Kongelige Teater (Danish Royal Theatre) in Copenhagen. Here, Roskilde dance company Aaben Dance are collaborating with DKT on a new production – Horisonten –  scheduled to open in September at the Royal Theatre Skuespilhuset. The production features over 20 performers from classical ballet to contemporary dance, opera,

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Conference, Design

PIN-C 2015

A number of our team are presenting papers at PIN-C 2015 (Participatory Innovation Conference 18-20 May 2015), The Hague, The Netherlands Paper presentations Jacob Buur & Agnese Caglio. Video sense-making with scale models. Agnese Caglio & Mie Femø Nielsen. Stages in testing in the wild Rachael Luck & Kristian Mortensen. Noticing objects within the home: Navigating a

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News, Publication

Guest blog on ROLSI

Maurice Nevile has written a guest blog entry for the journal ‘Research on Language and Social Interaction’, about preparing a bibliography of the journal. See

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Interacting with Objects – available now

NOW AVAILABLE Interacting with Objects Language, materiality, and social activity Edited by Maurice Nevile, Pentti Haddington, Trine Heinemann and Mirka Rauniomaa University of Southern Denmark / University of Oulu Objects are essential for how, together, people create and experience social life and relate to the physical environment around them. Interacting with Objects: Language, materiality, and

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Workshop: Knowing Things 6-7 October 2014

Knowing things: objects, knowledge and interaction workshop, 6-7 October 2014 The project Social Objects for Innovation and Learning hosted an international workshop, from 6-7 October 2014, with the theme ‘Knowing things: Objects, knowledge and interaction’. The 25 participants came from across Denmark and Europe. Presentations explored how people can ‘know things’, for what objects are, and can

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